Fire danger and burn notices for Youbou, B.C.
Emergency: 911
Youbou Weather Forecast
Provincial Fire Danger Map
Air Quality Advisories
Highway 18 WebCam
Highway 18 (Skutz Falls) WebCam
Malahat WebCam
Emergency and Routine Notifications Sign-up now!
Cowichan Valley Emergency Preparedness Handbook Download PDF
Emergency Management B.C. Hazard Plans
From the Federal Government Is Your Family Prepared?
Chief: Orest Smycniuk
Deputy Chief: Cam Hamilton
Training Officer/Captain: Faron Harvey
Captain: Todd Vaughan
Captain: Grant Daly
Lieutenant: Dave Sutfin
Lieutenant: Bill Cheal
Jillian Bradley, Jarret Hambley, Lori Lafave, Richard Madill, Preston Schedel, Kim Smycniuk, Justin Vaughan, Elijah Vaughan, Emily Vaughan